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The Light Orchard is all the important parts of life: breath, movement, connection, wisdom, music, laughter and, of course, coffee. There’s no traffic to get stuck in, there’s no sitters to be hired or valets to be paid, there’s no to-go mugs to be filled and the temperature is always just right. The Light Orchard on demand is the new real environment - your computer machine. All TLO Zoom classes are TWO WAY communication, not simply streamed. I’m not just talking to a camera in hopes the students are doing alright. We’re talking before class and I’m with you during class, offering corrections and comments. I’ve got my eyes on you;) We’re in this together!

What We Offer

Our Classes

In Person Class

The new home of The Light Orchard is at Vitru, an exclusive, super cool private training facility tucked away in the heart of Hollywood. All classes are held in the sail covered open air space of the facility. Breathe deep with peace of mind so you can focus on the task at hand, the yoga. 

629 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90004   

What Our Clients
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