This is making me mental! The gods have cursed me for my past nefarious deeds. If it doesn’t stop, I’m gonna freaking lose it.
Oh… hi…ummmmm… my eyelid has been twitching for about a month now. Random attacks of sporadic subtle convulsions in my face. A myriad of miniature muscular outbursts. A full on rebellion just under my eyebrow. Did I have too many Oreos? Crap! Two coffees a day have caught up to me. Is this a precursor to something way bigger that’s looming around the corner? A medical nightmare leering though it’s beady eyes, twisting it’s long black mustache and fiendishly giggling while waiting for the right time to strike? Or… is it just HAPPENING?
Sometimes things just happen. It’s not always answerable. Thing A happened because of thing B isn’t always the equation although things would be way easier that way. I’m not sure if you’re like me, but I want to know why things happen to me. Who or what is responsible and what retribution can I bring to exact my vengeance, justice or an antidote? The thing is, in some form this is resistance to the flow of life. Our egos believe that we have the answers to all and we are the ones in charge of our destiny. When actually, we really don’t know shit and are just along for the ride. Every bad thing that happens to us isn’t a karmic punishment or some kind of cosmic payback from the past. It’s life. Sometimes it just HAPPENS. We’re all gonna have rough times. Now, how we respond to what happens is the thing. Do we cower under the bed like Ichabod Crane’s 2nd cousin or do we accept every moment we’re breathing as another chance to witness this “everything” we’ve been given? Eye lid twitches, sprained ankles, broken hearts, divorces, worldwide pandemics, only getting one ranch dressing when you ordered three…Things just happen sometimes and we have the opportunity, no matter how challenging these things are, to embrace them with courage, with a sort of begrudged gratitude, without reproach and to accept this life as the gift it is regardless of it’s offerings. Another moment to be witness to this inconceivable classroom that is always just HAPPENING. Constantly changing it’s curriculum for us to be proved against and strengthened by fire. From an eye twitch to a pandemic, it’s all embraced.
(and yes, I’m aware that if I got a little more sleep and backed off on the red wine a little it would probably go away, but that’s not the point ;))