My truck had been sitting outside our house for a good four months without being driven and it was absolutely filthy. Let alone, it hadn’t been washed for probably a year before this whole deal happened. So, the other day I decided to pull it into the driveway and wash it… old school style. Big ass sponge, a bucket of soapy water and the hose. The second I put the sponge to the hood and started cleaning, I experienced a sense of peace and gratitude I hadn’t felt in a long time. It was a satisfaction of taking care of something that needed to be done for a long time. Taking care of something that has, honestly, taken care of me for a long time. It wasn’t about the result of getting a clean car and getting it over with. It was about the “doing” and not the outcome. A thoughtless peace while doing a simple task that quarried deep down and brought out a quality of ease in a freaking weird ass time. The act of a “menial” task to bring forth a simpler you. Because, in the simplicity lies the path. So… make your bed, clean out your closet, go for a walk for no reason or wash your car. Your soul will thank you.